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Response Schema

Fastify serializes responses using fast-json-stringfy instead of JSON.stringfy() when a json schema is defined. This schema must be JSON Schema Draft 7.

In frourio, you can specify this as schamas in ServerMethodHandler to speed up serialization not only in Fastify (frourio) but also in Express (frourio-express).

See the Fastify documentation for response schema definitions.

import { defineController } from './$relay';

export default defineController(() => ({
get: () => ({ status: 200, body: 'Hello' }),
post: {
validators: {
query: z.object({ ... }),
body: z.object({ ... }),
schemas: {
response: {
201: {
type: 'object',
properties: { id: { type: 'number' }, port: { type: 'string' } }
hooks: {
preValidation: [],
preHandler: (req, _, done) => { ...; done(); },
handler: ({ body }) => ({ status: 201, body: { ... } }),